Interface for Research, Science, Diagnostics and Therapy
Scientific Definition: |
Common Definition: |
Autogenic Physiotherapy for Dyskinesies in the Cervico-Viscero-Cranial Musculature including the Orofacial Muscles of the Facial Skull. | Self-induced Curative Gymnastics for Movement Disorders in the Head Muscles including the Mouth- and Face Muscles |
Fields of Therapy |
Speech Defect | Tooth/Jaw Misposition | Congenital Malformation | Antiageing | Nerve-/Muscle Paralysis | Face-/Head Injuries |
Swallow Disorders | TM-Joint /Parodontal Disease | Snoring/ Sleep Apnoe | Wellness | Muscular Head-/Facial Pain | Postoperative Incompetence |
Fields of Subjects |
Gnathology | Pediatrics | Geriatrics | Logopaedics/ Speechtherapy |
Orthodontics | Genetics | Neurophysiology | Surgery / Rehabilitation |
Speechfostering i. Elementary Area (link) | Dentistry | Pulmology / ENT | Physiotherapy |
(What is
the CCMF) The
Web-Company CCMF is a joint venture of scientists and
practitioners to pursue their common interests on the named special field of
therapy. We originate from the study group for Myofunctional Therapy ("Arbeitskreis
für Myofunktionellen Therapie e.V." ).
This study group had to dissolve for organizational reasons .
The founding members (Iris Baldini-Weynen, Dr. Klaus-J.
Berndsen, Sabine Berndsen, Martina Feuser, Dr. Falk Ifert, Dr. Ulrike
Kinzler, Prof. Dr. Dr. Josef Koch, Dr. Alexandra Kringe, Dr. Ch.-B. Poschen,
Liane Seidler, Dr. Erhard Thiele.)
met at the 27. March
through the invitation of Sabine and Dr. Klaus Berndsen in Unna /
Germany to find a mode of continued existence on a common base for
their shared interests across the borders of the single disciplines. The tasks we are meeting with our Company are
depicted just above in the "Fields". We understand our Company as a
channel for interested to get in contact more easily and to facilitate
a better exchange of ideas. The inflexible structures of the archaic
study group as a Registered Organization with its administrative machinery,
honorary posts, congresses, membership subscription and the like are
omitted. Everyone may feel himself as a member, take part actively in
cooperation or just get informed. Some services will need a compensation as for example the
Certification or the registration
on the list of Practicing Members from which patients may search a
suitable address through the Web in their vicinity or get in contact
through us with a practitioner. For the start Dr. Alexandra Kringe kindly accepted the role of our Webmaster to get things going. Foundation Assembly
In this Web-Company those Colleagues will present and represent themselves who are active in this special field of Craniofacial Myofunctional Therapy scientifically or therapeutically. We elatedly hope by this new and to the today's communication potentials adapted form of our presentation to optimize cooperation , to get to new insights, spread them and put them to discussion more easily and, primarily, to make them available to a larger circle of interested colleagues. Principally, by the continuous contact through the Web. The awkward way of exchanging ideas via congress exterminates itself as well as the time- consuming work in organizing an association. Moreover the advice seeking will get the opportunity to find a local therapy consultant and facility via Homepage. See subsequent links. |
And do not forget: It is you who will make this Website live!
Do contact us !Original papers with the legal
characteristics of a primary publication date shall be placed without
being at the mercy of the particular publisher in the specialist
publications. After sending the file/paper to our Webmaster who will then
consult the respective expert from our Scientific Advisory Board
to avoid flamboyant contributions being apt to taint the
seriousness of our Web-Company CCMF the paper will then be published here in
the sequence of posting dates. It will be kept accessible under this section
for probably one year - depending on the application of new papers - and
then be transferred and linked under the section REFERENCES TO FURTHER
READING and can thus be reopened.
Among others interesting case histories, therapy solutions or courses without a demand to highest scientific quality shall make the daily practicing speak up, thus offering members and Web Page Visitors stimulation for the own clientele |
A collection of references easily provides information about the latest state of the art in our special sector, facilitates a better further training and makes contributions public which else might submerge in the big general "ocean" of publications. Our literature specialist will be pleased to take up your suggestions for further enterings to the Literature Bank.. |
A listing of specialized and interdisciplinary events in a schedule survey announces possibilities for interdisciplinary cooperation and promotes your own scheduling. In cases offering enlisting via Link. |
A "stock market" on positions facilitates getting in contact for suppliers and applicants. |
A list of the members registered in the Web-Company CCMF will help to improve the intern communication. | |
Scientific Advisory Board Foundation Members and Scientific Advisers |
Active Members: >announce to our Webmaster that they are going to send in contributions or publications for our Website, or that they are inclined to be available for answering questions from the Internet on a special field. >announce to our Webmaster their office address, certification, e-mail-address, homepage and in case their specialization and will then be entered into our List of Therapists where patients may seek information about therapists in their vicinity. |
Active Members | |
Practicing Members |
The Web-Company CCMF as a Webhost is offering therapists the platform to propose their service in the Web ( with their qualification / certification / specialization) and against a license fee in the is listed up in our List of Therapists in this Website (Webhost) with a Link to his homepage or email address, his address, profession, consultation hours, specialization and qualification. A search machine enables the inquiring patient to find a practitioner in the vicinity by adding the postal code. |
A Click on this field connects you to our email box ccmf@ccmf.de |
Here you get connected to the international association |
www.iaom.com/ IAOM - IAOM Home Page // The international Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) www.iaom.com/iaom_store.html |