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Evaluation Of A New Concept Of Myofunnctional Therapy With Children.
Heike M. Korbmacher, Marco Schwan, Sabine Berndsen, Julia Bull, Bärbel Kahl-Nieke.
This prospective study was desingned to evaluate a new concept of Myofunctional Therapy in comparison with conventional Myofunctional Therapy. 45 children aged three to sixteen years in need of Myofunctional Therapy where randomly divided into two groups: 19 children where Referred to Myofunctional Therapy in private practices in Hamburg and Served as controls. The remaining 26 children where tested with Face former therapy at the Department of Orthodontics by a medical Assistant specializing in myofunctional therapy. The overall observation Time was six month. Every three month an overall clinical assessment Was performed at the Department of Orthodontics by a speech pathologist And an orthodontist, who documented the clinical situation. The clinical examination included measurement of lip strength, palato-graphy to document the swallowing pattern. logopedic diagnosis and An orthodontic examination with reference to a standardised diagnostic sheet.
In all children’s orofacial function could be improved. Children treated with the Face Former showed a statistically significantly improvement in palatal tongue position during swallowing. They achieved stronger lip pressure within a shorter time than children who did not use the Face Former.
However, at the end of the observation time, there was no statistically significant difference in lip strength between the two groups. Habitual mouth closure was also achieved within a shorter time for children treated with the face former than children with myofunctional therapy. Longitudinal study will follow to judge whether the orofacial balance could be stabilised, i.e. the physiological orofacial function becomes automatic.
Keywords: Myofunctional Therapy, Face Former, Swallowing Pattern, Mouth Breathing, Sigmatism.
A respective publication has been issued in the
International Journal of Orofacial Myology 42. Volum XXX, November2004
"ZM93, Nr.22,16.11.2003, (2836), Fortbildungsteil 2/2003) ""
Der Einfluß der Konsistenz der Nahrung auf die dentofaziale Entwicklung"
(The Influence of the Consistency of Food on the dentofacial development)
Recently the field of research of Mechanotransduction ( see report in CCMF NEWS) has won more and more topicality, theses microchemical processes in cell physiology being crucial for the self-management of neuromuscular processes. These, of course, are most essential in Myofunctional Therapy. Anyway this article is on the same lines with the view of the CCMF and the former "Arbeitskreis" (study group) as fundamentals of the methods represented in therapy and research.
As an example for the contents of the publication passages from introduction and conclusion are recited hereafter:
In the age of " Fast- and Designer-Food" of the western industrial countries subtly and exotically prepared food is available everywhere and everytime. The processing of the stuff nutrients leads to a reducing of the consistency of the food. Skeletal and dental anomalies in the region of the facial skull are concurrently increasing, frequently being in need of expensive and for the patient unpleasant orthodontic treatment.----
----The functional demands for the masticatory organ by food with an increased consistency leads to a morphological adaptation of the stomatognathic system with a reduction of skeletal and dental anomalies.
The morphological alterations include the whole masticatory system; along with an increased, physiological abrasion of teeth, a dimensional transformation of the facial skull and a hypertrophy of the musculature is observed. Future descriptions of foodstuffs could, by ways of a characterization of its consistency by a standardized index , provide a controlled prophylactic handling in the field of the stomatognathic system.
(Übersetzung E. Thiele, 28.06.2005)